Weather Policy

Here at Prime Time Sports League we are all about playing the sports we love rain or shine / day or night, however, rain outs and game cancellations do happen and we know they are a bummer since we want to play just as much as you do! Rescheduling games, obtaining new permits, and tracking down captains and team players with phone calls, texts and emails are not fun for anyone. If a game is cancelled due to city restrictions or weather, we will do everything in our power to proceed with the games, however, it is our responsibility to our players and to the city of Santa Clarita to err on the side of caution to maintain not only the safety of our players but to maintain the fields that we love to play on. We will try our best to avoid cancelling games but due to weather and field conditions or city field usage outside of our control we may need to make a day of decision based on the cities' regulations and needs. In the case that a game needs to be cancelled / postponed for any reason we have put guidelines in place to accommodate our players and allow for make up games / reimbursement. 

Game Reschedule Policy - (Due to weather / field restrictions) 

Games that our considered rained out will be rescheduled for a later date in the season. We understand that teams sign up based on their work / life schedules and as a season is delayed this will interfere with plans they may have already had. To accommodate this, we will do our best to reschedule games within a time frame that is suitable, whether it be extending the season a week or two or allowing teams to have a double header to make up games lost. (Double headers will be decided between league owners and captains of both teams) 

If a game is not able to be made up based on weather or field restrictions player have the option to request: 

1) A single game reimbursement for each canceled game (reimbursement amount may vary based on season/sport)

2) A single game credit, which can be applied to a future league/sports, for each canceled game.

In the event of excessive, (2 or more), Prime Time Sports League reserves the right to: 

1) Attempt to play games at a different location than regularly scheduled 

2) Attempt to play on a different day and / or time than originally scheduled

3) Shorten the number of games played in a season